How to Reach the Readers: Publishing in Africa
Sunday 2 July
14:00 – 15:15
With Louise Umutoni (Huza Press), Billy Kahora (Kwani? Trust), Goretti Kyomuhendo (African Writers Trust) and Ruth Sorby of Worldreader. Chaired by Emma Shercliff.
What innovative methods are publishers using to make sure readers across the continent can read work by African authors? Is the excitement of e-readers and digital distribution all it’s cracked up to be? And considering factors like shifting donor economies and a rapidly expanding population of young people, what does the future of publishing look in different parts of Africa? Join the panellists who hail from Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and the UK as we discuss publishing, business models, the direction of travel for books (and authors) and what this means for readers across the continent.
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Included in Weekend Pass and Sunday Day Ticket.