Meet the Publishers: YA Edition

Meet the Publishers: YA Edition
Saturday 6 July, 14:00 – 15:15
British Library Knowledge Centre, Bronte Room

With Aimée Felone (Knights Of) , Jasmine Richards (Storymix), Sarah Odedina (Accord Literary / Pushkin Press), and Alice Curry (Latana Publishing).

Working on a novel, non-fiction or comic for Young Adult readers? Do you want an insight into how editors and agents identify new talent? Then take this chance to present your work to a panel of industry experts and receive honest feedback and insider tips.

Come prepared! Four writers will be picked at random to pitch their work. You will have 3 minutes in total: 1 minute to talk about your project idea and 2 minutes to read an extract. You’ll then get immediate feedback from the panel on the potential of your work. Just want to watch and listen? Then you are very welcome to attend!

This session will also feature a presentation by Olivia Danso from BookTrust Represents about their new research into representation of people of colour among children’s book authors and illustrators.

Listen to the event on Mixcloud!


Included in Weekend Pass and Saturday Day Ticket.

Image: Candice Carty-Williams at Meet the Publishers 2018. Photo by Ivan Gonzalez

In association with BookTrust