Interrogating the Text: Workshop for Book Reviewers and Critics
Sunday 7 July, 11:00 – 12:30
British Library Knowledge Centre, Eliot Room
With Sarah Ozo-Irabor and Niki Igbaroola.
What constitutes a ‘good’ and ‘objective’ review? In this interactive workshop, we will look at both traditional long-form reviews, and the growing field of Bookstagram reviews. Reviewer Sarah Ozo-Irabor (Books & Rhymes) and Niki Igbaroola (The Book Banque) will guide you through a set of exercises to hone your inner critic.
At the end of the session, attendees will be more confident in their skills as book reviewers and critics, have a broader understanding of the many different mediums and platforms on which their reviews can be published, be more confident of the literary ecosystem and their place in it.
Overview of workshop:
Informative, Interactive, and engaged workshop where attendees are invited to actively participate in the discussion. Attendees who are able to, are invited to bring one written paragraph review of any book review they have written – this is not mandatory as the workshop is open to all.
Discussion points:
- What constitutes a ‘good’ review?
- Is it possible to be an ‘objective’ reviewer?
- Review of books we liked (about books we did not like)
- Unpacking badly written reviews (with examples)
- Adapting writing and review styles for different platforms (mediums/ social media platforms)
- Spoiler-free reviews (highlighting interesting themes without giving away plot/twists)
- Authenticity and authenticating yourself/ voice in reviews
- Reviewing against the clock – etiquettes regarding Advance Readers Copies (ARCS) & proofs
- Standing out as a reviewer without losing your integrity
- ‘Learning’ and owning your voice – how to be critical without anxiety
Feel free to drop in – no registration required.
Included in Weekend Pass and Sunday Day Ticket.
Image: Ivan Gonzalez