Fresh Perspectives on African Literature

Fresh Perspectives on African Literature
Friday 1 July

14.00 – 15.30 FREE

Presenting exciting new scholarship from PhD students, early career scholars and independent researchers that opens up ideas of, and approaches to, ‘African literatures’.


Scott Newman (Northwestern University) The Death of the African Author and Contemporary Writing by Barrett, Gappah, and Okorafor

Zainab Hemani (Birkbeck College) “Nneka” = “Mother is Supreme” : A Myth or Reality?

Marie-Pierre Bouchard (University of Toronto) From “Patron” to “Pattern”: How Pattern Recognition Can Modify the Way We Look at the Recent Global Circulation of African Literatures

Michelle Clarke (SOAS) After 50 years: The environmental relevance of the ‘Song of Lawino’ and ‘Song of Ocol’ by Okot p’Bitek : An Ecocritical Discussion

Chair: Rebecca Jones (Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham)

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Image Credit: Africa Writes 2015, Benjamin Elwyn