Meet the Publishers
Saturday 1 July
11:00 – 12:30
Are you a writer looking to be published? Do you want an insight into how editors and agents identify new talent? Then join our exciting Dragon’s-Den-style event where you’ll have a chance to present your work to a panel of industry experts and hear their honest feedback, learn the do’s and don’ts of pitching, and get other insider tips.
Come prepared! Four writers will be picked at random to pitch their work to the industry experts. You will have 3 minutes in total: 1 minute to talk about your project, and 2 minutes to read an extract from your work, so don’t forget to bring a print-out in a font large enough to read easily, and do practise timing yourself. After you’ve given your pitch, our panel will give immediate and honest feedback on your presentation and the potential of your work.
If you don’t have something to pitch, but are interested to come along and watch the writers and publishers in action, then you are very welcome.
Will Francis, Literary Agent at Janklow & Nesbit
Lynette Lisk, Talent Scout for Janklow & Nesbit
Crystal Mahey-Morgan, Publisher at Own It!
Sara Bruya, Managing Editor at Transition
Chair: Aki Schilz, Director, The Literary Consultancy
Included in Weekend Pass and Saturday Day Ticket.