An Audience with Ama Ata Aidoo

An Audience with Ama Ata Aidoo Saturday 12 July, 18:30 – 20:00 BL Conference Centre, £8/ £6 / £5 BUY TICKETS HEADLINE EVENT: Ghana’s leading literary figure, Ama Ata Aidoo, in conversation with Wangui wa Goro, translator and critic. Ama…

Imagining Future Africa: Sci Fi, Innovation & Technology

Imagining Future Africa: Sci Fi, Innovation & Technology Sunday 13 July, 16:30 – 17:30 BL Conference Centre, FREE Panel discussion with Ivor W. Hartmann, writer, editor, publisher and visual artist; Tade Thompson, writer, psychiatrist and clinical director for Adult Mental…

Creating great characters

Creating great characters Saturday 12 July, 12:00 – 13:00 BL Conference Centre, FREE All Welcome How do writers create characters that make stories come alive? Would you or a member of your family make a good hero or heroine? A…

Books for the Masses?

Books for the Masses? Publishing Genre Fiction in Africa Sunday 13 July, 12:00 – 13:00 BL Conference Centre, FREE Panel discussion with Bibi Bakare of Cassava Republic Press; Valerie Brandes of Jacaranda Books; Verna Wilkins of Tamarind Books and Susan…

Olabode Ogunlana’s Yoruba Tales

Olabode Ogunlana’sYoruba Tales Sunday 13 July, 15:30 – 16:15 BL Conference Centre, FREE Book launch of Olabode Ogunlana’s Yoruba Love Stories and The Quest for the Rare Leaf and other Yoruba Tales. Chaired by Ade Solanke, writer and founder of…

Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Mukoma Wa Ngugi attend ‘Africa Write 2013’

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Wole Soyinka at 80

Professor Wole Soyinka, Nigerian playwright, poet and novelist, became the first African to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1986. Beyond his successful literary career, Soyinka is well known for his political activism. Marking his 80th birthday, Soyinka joined…

Africa Writes: Two Writers, Two Generations

An intimate conversation between acclaimed author and theorist, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, and his son, Mukoma wa Ngugi, a rising star in African Literature. Chaired by Margaret Busby (critic, writer and editor). Ngugi wa Thiong’o was one of the leading lights…

Africa Writes 2012: Caine Prize Authors meet their audience

Event featuring the five short-listed authors for the 2013 Caine Prize for African Writing: Elnathan John, Tope Folarin, Pede Hollist, Abubakar Adam Ibrahim and Chinelo Okparanta. Chairs: Tricia Wombell (Black Book News / Black Reading Group) & Jacqueline Auma (London…