The Africa Writes 2018 Podcast Series is here! Re-live the highlights of the festival on our Mixcloud to catch some of your favourite panel discussions, book launches, round-tables and workshops, and our Young Voices programme. If you missed the festival this is a great opportunity to delve into the works and debates covered over the weekend. With great content and a range to listen from, we are serialising the podcast episodes to take you on a journey of the festival events. Welcome to part one: Panel Discussions.
We’ve highlighted three previews of our panel discussions exploring stories centering queer womxn’s narratives with Loving Womxn: Deliberate and Afraid of Nothing, to discussing books that have influenced and shaped writers in African Books to Inspire, and uncovering the forgotten voices of A.B.C. Merriman-Labor and Phillis Wheatley in African Literary Figures in Georgian & Edwardian London.
In Loving Womxn: Deliberate and Afraid of Nothing we hear a preview of Lady Phyll beginning to read P.J. Samuels’ poem ‘Black She’. Listen to the full episode on Mixcloud player.
In African Books to Inspire we hear a snippet of Novuyo Rosa Tshuma speaking on the interplay of orality and the written word. Listen to the full episode on Mixcloud player below.
Here S I Martin calls us to crucially examine literacy during the periods of Georgian and Edwardian periods as revolutionary. Listen to the full discussion of African Literary Figures in Georgian & Edwardian London in the Mixcloud player below.
You can listen to the rest of Africa Writes 2018 panel discussions on our Mixcloud including 2018 Caine Prize Conversation and New Writing from Uganda.