Roomsize x RadioBook Rwanda
Saturday 29 June, Malcolm X Community Centre, 141 City Rd, Bristol BS2 8YH
16:45 – 19:45
The Experience
A unique experience using cutting-edge virtual reality technology, this collaboration between RadioBook Rwanda and interactive audio company Roomsize takes spoken excerpts of three stories from contemporary Rwandan writers and transmits them from fixed positions in space across a room. As a listener you wander within the stories by Mutsinzi Eric, Jimmy Tuyiringire and Annick La Reine Shimwa, gathering with others around one and listening communally, or passing between sound-worlds as an individual to explore new areas.
The precisely localised sounds spread across this installation are heard using headphones, with multiple audience members able to listen to the stories unfolding simultaneously. This makes for an experience that feels both personal and shared, one that blurs the boundaries between a private listening session and a group storytelling event.
Roomsize design immersive and interactive audio experiences that occupy physical spaces. Using a combination of audience-tracking, and spatial audio technology, they build complex sound-worlds that can be heard by multiple audience members at a time.