Author Archives: Africa Writes

Africa Writes 2023 Tickets

Get your tickets for the TENTH British Library Edition of Africa Writes Festival as we explore the theme of Intangible Heritage. We have day tickets, weekend tickets and also online tickets that will give you access to stream everything happening…

Poetry in the Primary Classroom Blog: A time for reflection

Workshop 5: A time for reflection As we hit the halfway mark on 2021, we at the Royal African Society wanted to take the time to reflect on our 5th and final workshop in the Poetry in the Primary Classroom…

Poetry in the Primary Classroom Blog: Rhythm and Poetry

Workshop 3: Learning rhythm and poetry We believe there’s a rhythm and poetry to life – which is why we at the Royal African Society were so excited for the third workshop in the Poetry in the Primary Classroom programme…

Poetry in the Primary Classroom Blog: Confidence and motivation 

Workshop 2: Learning confidence and motivation We could all use a confidence boost right now, couldn’t we? Which is probably why our second workshop for the Poetry in the Primary Classroom Programme couldn’t have come at a better time. In…

2021 AKO Caine Prize Conversation

2021 AKO Caine Prize Conversation Monday 19 July, 19:00 – 20:30 (BST) Location: British Library Player Tickets: FREE An evening with the AKO Caine Prize for African Writing shortlisted writers, chaired by Kinna Likimani. This is an online event hosted…

Intern at Africa Writes 2021!

**APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED** Would you like to join our team? We are currently recruiting for an Africa Writes 2021 Production Intern and an Africa Writes 2021 Marketing Intern. We are looking for two individuals who are passionate about African literature and social media…